To be Frank...I will have to change my name!

From Wittyness to Frank Lee DILLIGAF!

Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room. For those who knew me as "Wittyness" on Facebook, you're probably scratching your heads and wondering why on Earth I decided to ditch the clever play on words. Well, get ready, because this is my journey of evolution…

First things first, Wittyness was fun. It was like that high school nickname that you outgrow but still secretly love. I had a blast crafting puns and being the digital court jester. But here’s the kicker – life isn’t just about staying in one place and doing the same old shtick. Sometimes, you have to shake things up, even if it means trading in your comedy crown for a new hat.

So, why “Frank Lee”? It’s simple, really. I wanted a name that reflects who I am today – straightforward, no-BS, and yes, still a fan of a good pun. Being “Frank” is more than just a name, it’s an attitude. It’s about being honest, direct, and a tad bit irreverent. It’s about saying what needs to be said, even if it ruffles a few feathers.

Think of it as shedding my digital skin. Wittyness was great for a while, but it was like wearing the same pair of socks for years – eventually, they lose their charm. Frank Lee is my way of embracing change and stepping into a more authentic version of myself. It’s not about leaving humor behind but evolving it to match the person I’ve become.

Join me on this journey. Let’s navigate this new chapter together, where honesty meets humor, and where “Frankly” isn’t just a name but a way of life. The jokes, the sarcasm, the puns – they’re all still here, just with a fresh twist.

So here’s to evolution, to change, and to being unapologetically Frank. Buckle up, it’s going to be one hell of a ride.

If you not keen on joining, well Frank Lee DILLIGAF! ;-)

I also had to re-do my Facebooks… Please do me a favour and give it a like! Just click here :


or to participate.