Welcome to The DILLIGAF, the newsletter where I, Frank Lee, say the things everyone’s thinking but too scared to utter. If you’re looking for sugar-coated platitudes, kindly close this tab and find a unicorn-themed blog. Here, we serve reality raw, with a side of sarcasm and a generous helping of humor. Sometimes we blur the lines between fact and fiction a bit…but all in good fun!

Expect thought-provoking content that pokes at life’s absurdities, questions the status quo, and calls out BS wherever it lurks. I won’t shy away from dropping a few F-bombs along the way, because sometimes, only a four-letter word will do.

Whether it's dissecting the latest trends, pointing out the emperor’s new clothes, or just giving you the kick in the pants you need, The DILLIGAF is your go-to for unfiltered truths and laughter-induced abs. Strap in (not on!) and join me for a ride through the real world, one irreverent rant at a time.