This Time, the Looting Will Be Different
Ramaphosa’s Fairy Tale

Alright, let’s gather 'round. It's story time with Uncle Cyril. Today, he's got a brand new yarn about how the National Health Insurance (NHI) won't be the same colossal cluster f*ck as the R500 billion Covid fund debacle. Because, apparently, we've all developed collective amnesia and can't remember the last time we fell for this nonsense.
A Learning Curve as Steep as a Cliff
President Ramaphosa, ever the eternal optimist (or master bullshitter, depending on your perspective), assures us that the rampant corruption during the Covid-19 pandemic was just a "learning curve." Yes, because nothing says “lesson learned” like losing R500 billion to thieves. This time, though, he promises it will be different. The NHI won’t be a free-for-all buffet for the corrupt. Pinky promise.
But wait, there's a catch. Our dear President admits that “people who want to steal will always find loopholes.” So, basically, while he’s patting himself on the back for learning, he’s also preemptively throwing his hands up in defeat. Because, you know, closing loopholes is hard work, and “action on corruption needs to be taken as it comes.” Translation: We'll deal with it when we’re knee-deep in the shit.
From One Disaster to the Next
Remember the Covid-19 relief package? That R500-billion joyride where emergency funds turned into a smorgasbord for corrupt officials? Misappropriated funds, bogus PPE contracts, and fraudulent relief schemes were the highlights. Ramaphosa admits they made a mistake by letting everyone and their uncle bid for PPE contracts. It was a feeding frenzy, but hey, mistakes happen, right?
Fast forward to the NHI. Critics are biting their nails, predicting the same fate. Why? Because this new law hands over a multi-billion rand fund to the government. You know, the same government with a stellar track record of running Eskom, Transnet, SAA, and the SA Post Office into the ground. A government that turns everything it touches to absolute shit. But don’t worry, the NHI fund, estimated to need anywhere between R200 billion to R1 trillion, will be different. Pinky-Promise.

Trust Us, We’ve Got This…Riiiigt!
Ramaphosa and his crew assure us that new NHI laws have provisions to deal with fraudsters: R100,000 fines or five years in jail if convicted. Sounds impressive until you remember how spectacularly they’ve failed to enforce similar laws before. The Road Accident Fund is a prime example, managing a smaller pool of money and still being an epic shit show.
But fear not, Minister of Health Joe Phaahla and Deputy Director-General for NHI Nicholas Crisp are here to soothe our worries. Phaahla casually dismissed corruption concerns, calling them “overblown.” Meanwhile, Crisp optimistically compared the NHI’s potential management to SARS, rather than Eskom. Because comparing to the one thing that somewhat works in a sea of failures is super reassuring.
Premature Criticism? You Betcha!
Crisp also insists that criticizing the NHI before it's even launched is unfair. Riiiight, because judging based on past performance of every other state-run entity is just not cricket. It’s not like we’ve seen this train wreck coming from miles away. Let’s give them a chance to screw it up first, shall we?
Conclusion: Who Gives a Fuck?
In the end, Ramaphosa’s promises about the NHI being different this time are just that, promises. With a track record as abysmal as the South African government’s, it’s hard to take these assurances seriously. So, let’s all sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch as this latest episode of governmental incompetence unfolds…AGAIN! Because, as history has shown us, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Cheers to another round of bullshit!