They Watch, Hate & Imitate...shame
Oh how Unoriginal of you
Let’s get into the ridiculous yet oh-so-glorious world of haters and copycats. You know the drill, they watch your every move like you’re the star of their favorite soap opera, they hate with the fury of a thousand Twitter trolls, and then, surprise-surprise, they copy. Yeah, they f*cking copy you. It’s like watching a low-budget remake of your own life, and let’s be real, it’s both flattering and infuriating.

Let’s break this down, shall we? First, we’ve got the watchers. These are the ones lurking in the shadows, pretending they don’t give a rat’s ass about you while they’ve got a front-row seat to your every bloody move. They’re the ones who know more about your life than you do. Hell, they could probably write your autobiography. They’re watching, they’re taking notes, and they’re waiting for the perfect moment to pounce with their half-assed opinions.

Next, the haters. Oh, these are my favorites. They’ll shit on everything you do because deep down, they’re seething with envy. It’s like watching a toddler throw a tantrum because they can’t have the shiny toy. Your success, your creativity, your originality, it all burns them up inside. They’ll try to tear you down with their snide comments and passive-aggressive jabs. But here’s the kicker… their hate is just a twisted form of admiration. They wish they had the balls to do what you do, but instead, they settle for being bitter little gremlins.

And finally, the pièce de résistance, the copycats. These sorry sacks of unoriginality have the nerve to mimic everything you do. They’ll rip off your ideas, your style, hell, even your catchy catchphrases. It’s like watching a bad impersonator butcher your best jokes. But you know what? F*ck it. Take it as a compliment. You’re so f*cking awesome that people can’t help but want to be you. Your originality is like a rare gem, and these dumbasses are scavenging for any bit of sparkle they can steal.
So, what’s the lesson here? Embrace the sh!t show. Let them watch, let them hate, and let them copy. Because at the end of the day, they’re just proving that you’re doing something right. You’re a bloody trendsetter, a pioneer, a f*cking legend in your own right. Their pathetic attempts to imitate you are just proof that you’re worth imitating. They can try, but they’ll never be you.
Keep doing you, and don’t let the haters and copycats get under your skin. Wear their envy like a badge of honor. You’re living rent-free in their heads, and that’s the ultimate power move. So, raise a middle finger to the watchers, the haters, and the copycats. You’re the real deal, and they’re just sad, second-rate cheap knockoffs. Keep shining, you magnificent bastard. The world can’t handle your brilliance, and that’s their problem, not yours!