Sponsorship Idiocy

So called clever marketing people missing the boat completely

Not my market! Why are they wasting my time?!

Sponsorship. The holy grail for anyone looking to slap some logos on their gear and hopefully get enough cash to keep the wheels turning – quite literally in this case. But let’s jump into the idiocy that some of some of these so-called marketing “gurus” spout when they tell you it’s “not their market.”

You’re at the top of your game in motorsports. You’ve got the car, the team, the crowd. All you need is some sponsorship to make sure you don’t end up hawking your liver on JunkMail to afford fuel. So, you approach this company that makes chocolates, coffee, milk – the trifecta of everyday essentials, right? Wrong. According to this marketing genius, “it’s not his market” and you’re “wasting his time.” Oh, the humanity.

Let's dissect this idiocy. Clearly, he doesn’t. This guy probably lives in a bubble where only certain demographics eat chocolate or drink coffee. Newsflash, buddy! People who race cars, their families, spectators, organizers, officials, and even the stray cat that wanders onto the track ALL consume these products. It’s like saying cows don’t eat grass. Ridiculous.

The opportunities are huge!

First off, the “exposure”. You’ve got a race team. That means cars/bikes, suits, helmets, caps, t-shirts plastered with logos, seen by thousands of people at events, on TV, online streams, social media – the works. It’s a visual buffet for anyone looking to get their brand noticed. But no, Mr. Marketing Wizard thinks chocolate and coffee are niche products, only suitable for some mythical demographic that apparently doesn’t include motorsports fans thats cold in the winters mornings before sign in!

Do you want to tell me that out of the hundreds or thousands of people involved in any event, not a single person is going to eat a chocolate, sip a coffee, or drink milk? Hell, a lot of these folks are practically running on caffeine and sugar – the unofficial fuel of champions. It’s not like your audience is made up of aliens who only consume energy from space crystals.

Then there’s the whole brand association thing. Imagine seeing your favorite race car driver munching on a chocolate bar during a post-race interview. Or sipping coffee while giving a rundown of their winning performance. It’s relatable. It’s real. It’s what people do. It creates a connection. But nah, that’s too logical for Mr. Marketing Expert.

Here’s the kicker: by ignoring the obvious, these companies miss out on a massive opportunity. The sheer volume of eyeballs on a race event is a marketer’s wet dream. Yet, some of these bozos are too short sighted to see beyond their rigid demographic charts and marketing textbooks from the 90s.

So, the next time some corporate clown tells you that your market isn’t right for their product, remember this… Clearly, they don’t understand the basic concept that people, regardless of their hobbies, all eat, drink, and live their lives in a way that makes them prime targets for just about any product. Their loss, not yours.

To all the sponsors out there missing the boat: wake the hell up. Racing fans and teams are humans too. They eat, drink, and have brand loyalty. Sponsoring a motorsport team isn’t just a good idea; it’s a no-brainer. But hey, if they want to keep their heads in the sand, that just leaves more opportunity for the smart ones to swoop in and take the prize.

In the end, if they can't see the goldmine right in front of them, that’s their problem. You’ve got races to win, and there’s always another brand ready to see the light. So, keep your eyes on the track and let the clueless ones choke on their own ignorance

Frank Lee DILLIGAF! Not even a little!


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