Second and Fourth-Place Finishes for NWM Ford Team at SARRC Safari 1000

The NWM Ford Team defied breakdowns and brutal terrain

Lance Woolridge and Kenny Gilbert

Let's get into the chaotic symphony that was the SARRC Safari 1000. If you think your daily commute is rough, try driving 1,000 km of sheer hell in the wilds of South Africa. Neil Woolridge Motorsport (NWM) Ford Rally-Raid Team turned this insane trek into their playground, flexing their EcoBoost V6-powered muscles.

Lance Woolridge and Kenny Gilbert in the #234 beast clinched a stellar second place, while reigning champs Gareth Woolridge and Boyd Dreyer in #200 clawed their way from a technical nightmare to finish fourth. These guys didn't just roll through the mud, they practically wrestled it into submission.

When You’re Second Place, You’re the First Loser, Right??

Gareth Woolridge and Boyd Dreyer

Lance and Kenny fought tooth and nail with the Toyota crew led by Henk Lategan and Brett Cummings. Yeah, those guys took the gold, but the Ford duo wasn’t far behind, proving that second place isn't just the first loser, it's the first on the podium to chug some victory champagne.

Day one kicked off with a 14km sprint where Gareth and Boyd, on their way to a potential top spot, got shafted by a puncture. Nothing like a flat to keep things interesting, huh? They dropped to 27th but like true badasses, clawed their way back to fourth. If that’s not a comeback story, I don’t know what is.

Technical Gremlins: The Real Villains of Motorsport

Saturday was a doozy. Gareth and Boyd’s rear driveshaft said "sayonara" right off the start line. Cue the pit crew scrambling to fix it while Gareth probably contemplated voodoo against the driveshaft gods. Even with electronic issues cropping up like unwanted spam, these guys fought through to finish 11th by the end of the day.

Meanwhile, Lance and Kenny kept it cool and consistent, moving into second by day’s end. Sunday saw them launch off an unmarked jump, tire flying off the rim on landing—because who needs all four tires, right? But no biggie, they changed it and got back on the chase, shaving off precious minutes from the lead.

Never Say Die Attitude Pays Off

By Sunday, Gareth and Boyd were on a mission. With electronic issues sorted and a can-do attitude that could probably power a small country, they blazed through the competition. Fastest morning loop, second-fastest afternoon—it was like watching a Rocky montage but with more dust and less 80s music.

Wors Prinsloo and Andre Vermeulen

And let’s not forget the NWM-supported privateers Wors Prinsloo and Andre Vermeulen. These guys finished seventh in the Ultimate class and eighth overall, winning the Road to Dakar Challenge. Yeah, they’re going to Dakar, baby!

Next Stop: Parys

The next event? Parys in the States…Freestates on August 16-17. It’s gonna be back-to-back races, so double the fun, double the pain. Stay tuned, buckle up, wait, scratch that. Just hold on tight and enjoy the ride, because these drivers are just getting warmed up.

Until next time, remember: in the world of rally-raid, it's not about the destination, it's about surviving the journey without needing a new suspension system every 100 kilos!



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