Pilatus and Synhelion Join Forces

Solar Fuel to Kick Fossil Fuel’s Ass

Image : © Pilatus

Alright, listen up, sky junkies! Pilatus and Synhelion have decided to stop dilly-dallying around and are diving headfirst into a partnership that might just kick fossil fuels out of the cockpit for good. That's right, they’re on a mission to scale up solar fuels for the aviation industry faster than you can say “defossilization.”

Here’s the deal: Pilatus isn’t just playing nice. They’ve put their money where their mouth is by becoming a shareholder in Synhelion. Talk about commitment issues, am I right? Their plan? Use Synhelion’s solar fuels for their own planes and then dish out this eco-friendly elixir to their customers soon enough. It’s like handing out green juice at a marathon – good for you and good for everyone around you.

Now, Synhelion’s not some new kid on the block. These guys spun out of ETH Zurich back in 2016 and have been hell-bent on swapping out fossil fuels with renewable solar fuels ever since. Their goal? Decarbonize the travel industry, one sunny day at a time.

Pilatus is already ahead of the game with their aircraft certified to guzzle down sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The catch? This bio-crap isn’t going to cut it in the long run. There’s just not enough of it to go around. Enter Synhelion’s solar fuel – the stuff dreams are made of, produced from solar energy. They've got the first industrial solar fuel production plant in Germany and a commercial one set to rise in Spain by 2025.

Hansueli Loosli, the big cheese on the Pilatus Board of Directors, says they’ve been eco-warriors for years. From energy-efficient production processes to new buildings, they’re all in. He’s got his eyes set on sustainable aviation fuel being the future of flying, and Pilatus is all about making that happen.

Markus Bucher, Pilatus’s CEO, is all in too. He believes solar fuel tech is the holy grail for defossilizing air travel ASAP. He’s psyched to be leading the charge with Synhelion, pushing the aviation industry toward sustainability one flight at a time.

Philipp Furler, Co-CEO and co-founder of Synhelion, is just as pumped. With Pilatus on board, they’re gunning to scale their solar fuels globally and make sure every Pilatus plane is running on sunshine within the next decade.

The future of flying is here, and it’s solar-powered. Time to kiss those fossil fuels goodbye.



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