Instagram Considers Unskippable Ads

Joining the Annoying Ad Club

Do I Like Living in a Future Filled With Ads? Hell no!

Look, we all knew this day was coming. Instagram, the land of perfectly curated vacation pics and influencer #sponcon, is dipping its manicured toes into the ever-growing pool of unskippable ads. Just like YouTube, where we're subjected to a mandatory ad-watching period before our cat compilation video, Instagram is testing out a similar fate.

Some people are pissed-off big time

Why You Should Not Care (But Secretly Will Anyway):

  • Because honestly, are you surprised? Social media platforms gotta make that money somehow, and frankly, free isn't exactly a sustainable business model.

  • Who knows how bad it will actually be? Maybe it'll be a short, five-second thingy. Maybe it'll be a full-blown commercial interrupting your celebrity stalking session. The jury's still out.

  • There's always a way out, right? Unless Instagram welds your eyelids open (doubtful, but hey, stranger things have happened), there are probably some loopholes we haven't discovered yet.

But hey, if you DO care...

  • Let Instagram hear it! Voice your displeasure in the comments, or bombard them with passive-aggressive memes. They track everything you do, so they'll get the message.

  • Curate your feed ruthlessly. Follow only the people who bring you joy (and maybe some funny pet accounts for good measure).

  • Embrace the ad-free life (or at least minimize it). There are paid options out there, but that's a whole other can of worms.

Look, the internet isn't going to hold its breath on this one. We'll all adapt, complain ineffectively, and move on. But hey, at least we can laugh about it, right?



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