Historians are Hysterical

The Tale of Hyssie and Her Hissy Fit

Hyssie having her FIt

Ah, historians. The noble guardians of our collective past, the protectors of ancient secrets, the ultimate gatekeepers of dusty archives and yellowed manuscripts. Or, in the case of one particularly dramatic lady named "Hyssie", the queens of hissy fits. Let me tell you a tale about "Hyssie" and her peculiar obsession with a piece of history that doesn’t even belong to her.

Once upon a time, in a land where coffee stains and paper cuts were badges of honor, there was a historian named "Hyssie". "Hyssie" and her colleagues had spent countless hours, days, months, weeks, years (you get the picture) gathering information, a commendable effort indeed. But, oh, how the plot thickens. Enter me, a humble writer with a personal mission: to honor my late grandfather with a meticulously researched piece of my own…not to mention the personal tales I listened to from the man in the story…

Now, one would think that such an endeavor would be met with applause and perhaps a tip of the hat from fellow historians. But not from "Hyssie". Oh no, "Hyssie" had other plans. She believed, with the fervor of a conspiracy theorist clutching at straws, that I had used her precious information without so much as a nod in her direction…(she never checked her inbox)

Cue the dramatic music... "Hyssie" had a Hissy-Fit!

"How dare you!" she exclaimed, as if she had caught me red-handed with her prized collection of ancient scrolls. "You’ve used “our research, our work, my/our blood, sweat, and tears!"

Now, let’s set the record straight. My own research is the product of over 15 years of dedication. I’ve spent my own countless hours, days, weeks, months, years (You get the picture again right) poring over booklets my grandfather made, chasing down archives of OFFICIAL documentation, and sifting through old photographs. This project is a labor of love, a tribute to my grandfather, and, frankly, something "Hyssie" knows Jack Schitt about! But try explaining that to someone who believes they hold the monopoly on historical research.

"Hyssie", in her fit of hysteria and wobbles, turned the whole situation around, making it all about her. She insinuated that I was some kind of research pirate, plundering her hard-earned treasures and passing them off as my own. The audacity!

Here’s the thing, "Hyssie": You don’t “own” history. No one does! History is a vast tapestry woven from countless threads, each one representing a different perspective, a different story, a different piece of the puzzle. And guess what? I’ve got threads of my own. In fact, I’ve got threads you’ve never even seen!

So, to wrap up this little saga, let me leave you with a thought, "Hyssie". While I appreciate the work you and your colleagues have done, it doesn’t give you the right to lay claim to every piece of historical research out there. History is written in the past and if you do your research like I did, we will find the SAME BLOODY INFO! I’ve walked my own path, done my own digging, and discovered treasures you don’t even know exist! Believe it or not, I also know what you know!

So, take a deep breath, put down the pitchfork, and let’s remember that history is big enough for all of us. And next time, maybe save the hissy fit for something truly deserving!

Yours historically and hysterically,



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