High-Flying Priorities and the Perpetually Pissed Off

Tired of seeing your tax money fund joyrides in the sky while people starve? Let’s dive into why our priorities are all screwed up and who’s really to blame.

Hawk MK120

Alright, let’s get into the latest reason everyone’s got their “G-Force-Strings” in a twist… the government's choice to spend money on flying Air Force aircraft instead of feeding the hungry. Strap in, because this one has many hot under the helmet.

First off, let’s get something straight. Pilots need flight time like we need air to breathe! You don't want some “Maveric Wannabe” who only flies on simulators when they're tasked with defending the country, do you? Imagine trusting your life to a surgeon who’s only played Operation-Operation. Yeah, didn’t think so. These guys and gals need to hone their skills, and that means getting up in the sky and doing their JOB!

Now, I get it. The sight of taxpayer money soaring through the clouds while people are struggling to put food on the table feels like a swift kick in the teeth.

But here’s the kicker: You can’t just take the money allocated for salaries (That pays for food on the tables of these people) defense and splash it on feeding programs. It’s like trying to pay your rent with Monopoly money. Different pots for different purposes!


That said, let’s not give the government a free pass. There’s a legitimate gripe here. We have fat cats in office who treat public funds like their personal piggy bank. Lavish dinners, cushy perks, and a retirement plan that’s basically a winning lottery ticket. It’s a wonder they have time to fly anywhere with all the backs they’re scratching and deals they’re making.

The real issue isn’t about choosing between jets and sandwiches. It’s about accountability. If these bureaucrats weren’t so busy lining their pockets, maybe there’d be more cash to go around. Perhaps instead of pointing fingers at necessary defense spending, we should be calling out the bloated budgets and wasteful expenditures that have nothing to do with keeping us safe or helping those in need.


So, what's the moral of this tale of sky-high grievances and grounded expectations? Simple: be pissed off at the right things. Pilots need to fly, they need to feed their families and that’s non-negotiable. But we should demand our so-called leaders stop treating our money like it grows on trees. They should be held accountable for every damn cent. If they focused more on serving the public instead of serving themselves, maybe we’d see a budget that can handle both a secure nation and a well-fed populace.

Next time you’re about to gripe about seeing a Rooivalk, Gripen or Hawk cruising through the skies, just remember, that pilot is doing their job. Meanwhile, your local politician might be doing theirs in a five-star restaurant with a taxpayer-funded tab. Now, who do you think deserves the real earful?



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